Tickets & Sponsorships
Presenting Sponsor - $10,000
■ Exclusive recognition on all event printed materials and recognition on event website ■ Exclusive onstage recognition including the opportunity to speak for two minutes ■ Dedicated social media posts ■ Premier seating for the event ■ Customized recognition at the event ■ 24 tickets to Celebration of Heroes
Distinguished Sponsor - $5,000
■ Exhibit space in the reception area ■ Signage on reception tables ■ Logo on printed photos ■ Recognition in the reception video ■ Recognition in the event program and on social media ■ 16 tickets to Celebration of Heroes
Honor Sponsor - $2,500
■ Branded material in the registration area ■ Recognition in the event program and on social media ■ 8 tickets to Celebration of Heroes
Shield Table Sponsor - $1,000
■ Recognition in the event program ■ Eight tickets to the Celebration of Heroes
Legacy Sponsor - $1000
Multiple year donations above $1,000, including 2024 sponsorship ⊲ Special onstage recognition ⊲ Recognition in the event program ⊲ Eight tickets to the Celebration of Heroes with reserved seating
Star - $500
■ Recognition in the event program ■ Four tickets to the Celebration of Heroes
Eagle - $250
■ Recognition in the event program ■ Two tickets to the Celebration of Heroes
Couples Ticket - $125
2 tickets to the Celebration of Heroes
Individual - $75
■ 1 ticket to the Celebration of Heroes

Order Summary

Total: $0.00
